One of the most common questions I get as a dog breeder is "How are you able to say good-bye to the puppies you have raised?"
I will admit this is a legitimate and honest question. I am sure each breeder struggles with seeing the tiny furry puppies that they have poured so much time and effort into leave their care; I know we do. For me, the leaving of each puppy is bitter-sweet.
Puppies are hard work. After 8-10 weeks of around the clock care, training, cleaning and cuddling our family does look forward to sleeping more and adding some extra-curricular activities to our schedule. It is difficult though because we have made real connections with
each puppy. Our family has worked together to socialize and train each puppy. My children always have their "favorites" that are especially hard to see go.
My favorite part of the whole process though is getting to know the future families. If they have been part of the waitlist, it is sometimes many months that we have been corresponding. Each family anxiously waits for the news that the Mama dog is expecting, that delivery was safe and successful, and to watch

the puppies grow and learn. By the time they pick up their puppy I know that it is going to the home it was always meant to have. I have seen over and over how each puppy ends up with the family that is the best fit for them.
There are rare instances that a puppy is returned , even that happens for a reason, and we enjoy getting to know and help that family during that time also. We work hard to find all of our puppies and older dogs the family that will work best for all the individuals involved. The furry ones and the humans.
I have realized that as God's creatures, He cares for them. We try to do our best and work with each family and puppy until the right forever home is found. It makes saying "Good-Bye" sweeter.
